24 Mar Twelve Most Common Reasons Why Projects Fail
“Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.” ― Charles R. Swindoll
“If the project gets into trouble its becasue somebody got the plannning wrong”
- The goal of the project isn’t defined properly
- The goal of the project is defined properly, but then changes to it aren’t controlled (Scope Creep)
- Not all of the project stakeholders are identified
- Stakeholders are identified but win conditions aren’t
- The project isn’t planned or estimated properly
- The project isn’t led properly (Lack of a Project Manager)
- The project is planned / estimated properly but then it isn’t resourced as was planned
- The project is planned and there is no contingency in place (15% to 20%)
- The expectations of project participants aren’t managed
- The project is planned properly but then progress against the plan is not monitored and controlled properly
- Project reporting is inadequate or non-existent (Lack of accountability and responsibility amongst project team)
- When projects get in to trouble, people believe the problem can be solved by some simple action e.g. work harder, extend the deadline, adding more resources (Brooks Law)
(Fast Projects – Fergus O Connell)