Executive Coaching - PM 360 Consulting
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“We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.”
– Albert Einstein

Einstein’s insight still speaks to the power of effective executive coaching, which challenges your leaders’ current way of thinking to build fresh perspectives, stronger leadership skills and drive exceptional results.


One-to- One Executive Coaching for ...


What is Executive Coaching?

To understand what executive coaching is (also known as 1:1 coaching or performance coaching), we first must look at the definition of coaching. According to the International Coach Federation (ICF), coaching is defined as a partnership with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential. Coaching is a client-driven process that’s distinct from other services professions, such as mentoring, consulting and training. 


What Is an Executive Coach?

Coaching is probably one of the most—if not the most—individually tailored practices in talent development as it involves a close and confidential relationship between the coach and the person being coached. The executive coach provides a safe, structured, and trustworthy environment in which to offer support for the individual. One-to-one executive coaching is bespoke coaching thats tailored to the c-suite team,senior leaders or the executives of an organization to help them develop their leadership competencies, interpersonal effectiveness, changing behaviours,enhance decision making skills and optimize business performance. 


Top Benefits of Executive Coaching

Enhanced emotional intelligence
Personnel growth and development
Achieve clarity, focus and accountability
Gained a broader perspective for addressing business challenges
Improved communication skills
Customized leadership development
Have a trusted sounding board
Identify behaviours to stop, start and continue doing
Growth mindset performance loop
Improved performance and productivity
Greater agility and adaptability to deliver goals and objectives


Personal executive coaching clients have different needs and goals typically fit one of the following profiles:

C-suite team,chief executive,senior leaders,executives,managers and business owners.

The common thread in each of the above situations is as follows:

  • You are already in a leadership position in one way or another. You’re a business owner or a leader in your organization actively pursuing personal growth.
  • The fact that you’re already in the game means you have something at risk and leverage points where improved decisions can make large differences in results produced.
  • This means one mistake avoided, one insight gained, or one improved decision can help you achieve goals quicker.


In short, executive coaching becomes a smart business decision for these client situations because the value exceeds the cost.


In summary, there are three factors to consider when deciding if you are the right candidate for executive coaching???

  • Is your goal big enough to justify the price you will pay to achieve it?
  • Does your life situation fit one of the above examples described so that you can expect coaching to produce more value than it costs?
  • Are you coach-able so that your personal style supports success through the coaching process.


Schedule A Strategy Consultation 

If you’d like to know more about  how executive coaching can help transform  your professional and personel developement contact us to schedule a free consultation call.




Dublin: + 353 86 8054550


London: + 00353 – 86 8054550



Our Clients


We build long-lasting relationships with our clients,c-suite executives,project leaders,project managers,project teams and stakeholders.



Our consultants deliver project management expertise,solutions and strategies.Our customized solutions are built around a proven methodology and tailored to the business needs,that enables clients to complete projects faster and shorten time to market.

Our trainers and consultants have a wealth of experience and knowledge across multi-disciplinary industries in  delivering project management and executive coaching solutions.






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